137 Hoffers Lane, Jones Mills, Pa. 15646 --- Secretary's Office: 724-593-6309 ---- Maintenance Building: 724-593-2619
Our Tax Collector Serving the Residents of Donegal Township is located at the Donegal Township Municipal Building.
See Hours below.
Carol Pohl, Donegal Township Tax Collector
New Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 225
Donegal, PA 15628
Telephone: 724-757-3132 (Cell Phone)
New Location for Tax Office: Donegal Township Municipal Building
137 Hoffers Lane, Jones Mills, PA 15646
New Office Hours:
Tuesday & Thursday Evenings:
6:00pm to 9:00pm
Special Saturday Hours:
The LAST Saturday of each Month:
9:00am to 12:00 Noon